Today, I bumped into a tiny problem when I was dealing with a bunch of files. I had loads of files in one folder and needed to move some of them to another folder. Doing it one by one? No way, that’s too much of a hassle. So, I thought, there must be a quicker way to do this, like moving them in bulk. That’s how I started my little adventure with the “bulk file mover”.
First, I tried to find some existing tools that could do this for me. I mean, it’s 2023, surely someone has made something for this, right? I found a few software that looked promising. Some were free, some were paid, with all sorts of fancy features. I tried a couple of free ones, but they were either too complicated or didn’t really do what I wanted. One of them even kept popping up warnings. What a mess!

After a few tries, I thought, why not just make something myself? I’m no pro programmer, but I know a bit of Python. So, I started to write a simple script. The idea was straightforward: tell the script which files to move and where to move them, and let it do the job. I opened my code editor and started typing away.
The first version of the script was quite rough. I basically listed the file names I wanted to move and the destination folder. I used a loop to go through the list and move each file. I ran the script, and guess what? It worked! I saw those files disappear from the original folder and reappear in the new one. I felt like a magician, ha-ha.
But of course, it wasn’t perfect. I had to manually type in each file name, which was still a bit tedious. So, I improved the script a bit. I made it so I could just type a part of the file name, and the script would find all files matching that pattern and move them. For example, if I typed “report”, it would move all files with “report” in their names. Much better!
Here are some practical improvements:
- Pattern Matching: Instead of typing full file names, I just type a part of it.
- Error Handling: Added some checks to make sure the files exist and the destination folder is valid.
- Logging: The script now tells me what it’s doing, which files it’s moving, and if there are any issues.
In the end, I had a handy little tool that saved me a lot of time. It’s not super polished or anything, but it gets the job done. And the best part? I made it myself! It’s so satisfying to solve a problem with your own hands, you know? That’s my little story of making a bulk file mover. Maybe it’s not a big deal, but it’s my little achievement, and I’m quite proud of it.